Everybody is worthy of compassion

North West

Compassionate Leadership


The North West Compassionate Leadership Hub enables a community of compassionate leaders to connect with one another, and to reconnect with their core instinct of altruism, so that they can continue to lead healthy and meaningful careers in healthcare.

Compassionate Leadership

“The purpose of compassionate leadership in health and social care, is to work with others, to create the conditions where all in our communities are supported to live the best and most fulfilling lives they can.” (Michael West)

Find out more about compassionate leadership

The ABC of Core Needs

West et al 2020

When these needs are met, people are more intrinsically motivated and have better health and wellbeing.

If any one of them is not met, then wellbeing and motivation suffer.

Compassionate Leadership and Wellbeing

“The main objective of building compassionate cultures at work is creating conditions where all are supported to have the best and most fulfilling work lives possible.

Compassion at work includes being effective in pursuing a commitment to embodying our values in our work, which requires shared direction, alignment, and commitment.

Compassion also implies inclusion, which means working together to include all, regardless of professional background, opinion, skin color, sexuality, religion, or gender.

Compassion implies sharing power by encouraging collective leadership, where all feel they have some leadership influence.

Finally, compassion requires us to work together to develop a climate of shared purpose, prioritizing high-quality outcomes (for the organization, those we serve, and those who work in the organization) in our workplaces rather than just in our individual areas of responsibility.

Compassionate leaders have a crucial role in promoting and delivering compassionate cultures at work. They embody both a sensitivity to the challenges that those they lead face and a commitment to help them respond effectively to those challenges and thrive in their work process.”

Benevene P, Buonomo I, West M. Editorial: Compassion and compassionate leadership in the workplace. Front Psychol. 2022 Dec 9;13:1074068. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1074068. PMID: 36571014; PMCID: PMC9784919.

Read this pdf to find out more about

Burnout in healthcare: risk factors and solutions. July 2023

The purpose of the compassionate leadership course is to consider how compassion and compassionate leadership can help us connect with ourselves, one another and our patients.
